Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 1, 2024

NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt


NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt

Well, I guess that depends on who you are and who you are to the NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt in contrast I will get this gun owner, and who the bystanders are and what the setting is. If my wife tried to remove my shirt in front of people we know, say… at a party or something like that, I’d let her. If some random dude ran up on me in a public place and tried to get my shirt off of me forcibly, well, he’s going to have a fight on his hands. First, I would ask you to please stop screaming. Then I would politely invite you to sit down at the kitchen table, where we could munch on some delicious chocolate chip pecan cookies I made that very afternoon. Perhaps a nice glass of warm milk to calm everyone down. If you did that in my house, you would probably leave horizontially with a couple of .45 inch holes in you – unless Ilse got to you first, in which case you would probably leave horizontally with your throat torn out. I’m not going to post my own photo, but Ilse doesn’t mind if I post hers… She is quite pretty, but I suggest that you not f’k with her… You’re committing assault as well as robbery. You better hope you get control of the gun because otherwise I’m going to shoot you. But let’s be real here, life isn’t a video game and you’re too big a pussy to even try. *Crash*. I hear a noise. “Hey Google..turn on all lights”. *Lights flick on*..I hand my wife my Glock 17 and I grab my Ar15. We move next door to my sons room. She barricades herself with my sidearm as a final line of defense to our child.

NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt

Buy this shirt:  NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt

Home:  Famillydesign | Custom t-shirt store


Official NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt

I navigate through my hallway to find your stupid ass, unarmed in MY house. YOU REALLY DONE F’D up trying to rob/disarm a veteran Marine. Your dead af. I’m alive with all my guns. Hugging my family, maybe preparing for court since I live in California and not the NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt in contrast I will get this United States of America…(Shout out to 2A Cops) The only thing you are successfully taking, will be 5–8 5.56 rounds to the chest. I’m taking your life if you enter my house. If you broke into a gun owners home in the middle of the night you wouldn’t be demanding anything you’d be lying on the floor shop full of holes He’d shoot you. That’s his default behavior for anything that runs him the wrong way. Take his parking space at the supermarket? Shoot you. Don’t shovel after a snow storm? Wait for you to open your door and shoot you. Smile at his wife? Shoot you, pervert. Root for the Rams when he’s a Packers fan? Shot you. A: Look you over, realize there is zero chance of there being anything significant in your pants, and ignore you. Then you took one of my guns. That is grand theft (all of my guns are worth over $1,000), and firearm theft (federal felony). There is nothing more disgusting than an old man not wearing a shirt in public and she doesn’t want the neighbors to see what she has to look at all the time.

NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt Hoodie.jpg

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Home:  Famillydesign | Custom t-shirt store - Famillydesign


Top NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt

Well, I guess that depends on who you are and who you are to the NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt in contrast I will get this gun owner, and who the bystanders are and what the setting is. If my wife tried to remove my shirt in front of people we know, say… at a party or something like that, I’d let her. If some random dude ran up on me in a public place and tried to get my shirt off of me forcibly, well, he’s going to have a fight on his hands. First, I would ask you to please stop screaming. Then I would politely invite you to sit down at the kitchen table, where we could munch on some delicious chocolate chip pecan cookies I made that very afternoon. Perhaps a nice glass of warm milk to calm everyone down. If you did that in my house, you would probably leave horizontially with a couple of .45 inch holes in you – unless Ilse got to you first, in which case you would probably leave horizontally with your throat torn out. I’m not going to post my own photo, but Ilse doesn’t mind if I post hers… She is quite pretty, but I suggest that you not f’k with her… You’re committing assault as well as robbery. You better hope you get control of the gun because otherwise I’m going to shoot you. But let’s be real here, life isn’t a video game and you’re too big a pussy to even try. *Crash*. I hear a noise. “Hey Google..turn on all lights”. *Lights flick on*..I hand my wife my Glock 17 and I grab my Ar15. We move next door to my sons room. She barricades herself with my sidearm as a final line of defense to our child.

NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt Ladies tee.jpg

I navigate through my hallway to find your stupid ass, unarmed in MY house. YOU REALLY DONE F’D up trying to rob/disarm a veteran Marine. Your dead af. I’m alive with all my guns. Hugging my family, maybe preparing for court since I live in California and not the NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt in contrast I will get this United States of America…(Shout out to 2A Cops) The only thing you are successfully taking, will be 5–8 5.56 rounds to the chest. I’m taking your life if you enter my house. If you broke into a gun owners home in the middle of the night you wouldn’t be demanding anything you’d be lying on the floor shop full of holes He’d shoot you. That’s his default behavior for anything that runs him the wrong way. Take his parking space at the supermarket? Shoot you. Don’t shovel after a snow storm? Wait for you to open your door and shoot you. Smile at his wife? Shoot you, pervert. Root for the Rams when he’s a Packers fan? Shot you. A: Look you over, realize there is zero chance of there being anything significant in your pants, and ignore you. Then you took one of my guns. That is grand theft (all of my guns are worth over $1,000), and firearm theft (federal felony). There is nothing more disgusting than an old man not wearing a shirt in public and she doesn’t want the neighbors to see what she has to look at all the time.

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this NFL Bigfoot We Believe Los Angeles Rams Shirt


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