Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 12, 2023

I Aint Perfect But I’m Putting That Work In Shirt


I Aint Perfect But I’m Putting That Work In Shirt

It isn’t a bad thing in itself. But they are clearly intent on making it “A Bad Thing”, so I’m afraid you’re in trouble, mate. I think the I Aint Perfect But I’m Putting That Work In Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this question is playing the pointless game of AngstAway™ — a.k.a. “doubt me not”. The backstory of this pasttime is that there’s a Right Way To Be™, and in order to be valid and whole and OK as an individual, your self-concept must conform to those norms, and if your self-concept does not conform then there is Something Wrong With You™ and you should worry about it and change. Or at least not hang out with the Cool Kids™ and mess up their fun and coolness. You should stay in your place, on your side of the tracks. You’re not One of Us™, you’re one of them. That’s the concern that drives AngstAway™ (Yes, I get it… “anything can be ™ and it gets old after a while.” Fine.) The forces which operate around existential angst are as old as humanity, and even older. Social ordering is observed in primates and other species too, where a dominance heirarchy emerges in group dynamics — certain traits are valued by the group, and some individuals exhibit more or less of those traits, and the pyramid sorts itself into the winners, the losers, and the ‘meh’s. In more complex rankings, there are more categories, with perhaps less of a verticality in the value axis… but still. Rankings are rankings, categories are categories, conformity is conformity and non-conformity is suspect.

I Aint Perfect But I'm Putting That Work In Shirt

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Official I Aint Perfect But I’m Putting That Work In Shirt

The human mind has mechanisms which are more or less sensitive to this pyramid game — they tend to “churn” the I Aint Perfect But I’m Putting That Work In Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this emotions based on subconscious interpretations about ones’ identity (i.e. “what sort of person am I?”) and ones’ relative value and validity and classification (“where do I fit on the social pyramid?”). In this psychological stew, anxiety is the norm because doubt is the norm — how can you know where you fit and who you are? The absence of certainty is inherent in the nature of the game: unless you’re at the very top of the pyramid, constantly getting social signals from others which reflect your dominance, you’re not going to be sure where you stand. (Furthermore, even if you are at the top, the reliance on those signals is itself a source of anxiety — the crowd could turn on you, yes? What if you lose a step?)

I Aint Perfect But I'm Putting That Work In Shirt Hoodie.jpg

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Home:  Famillydesign | Custom t-shirt store - Famillydesign


Top I Aint Perfect But I’m Putting That Work In Shirt

It isn’t a bad thing in itself. But they are clearly intent on making it “A Bad Thing”, so I’m afraid you’re in trouble, mate. I think the I Aint Perfect But I’m Putting That Work In Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this question is playing the pointless game of AngstAway™ — a.k.a. “doubt me not”. The backstory of this pasttime is that there’s a Right Way To Be™, and in order to be valid and whole and OK as an individual, your self-concept must conform to those norms, and if your self-concept does not conform then there is Something Wrong With You™ and you should worry about it and change. Or at least not hang out with the Cool Kids™ and mess up their fun and coolness. You should stay in your place, on your side of the tracks. You’re not One of Us™, you’re one of them. That’s the concern that drives AngstAway™ (Yes, I get it… “anything can be ™ and it gets old after a while.” Fine.) The forces which operate around existential angst are as old as humanity, and even older. Social ordering is observed in primates and other species too, where a dominance heirarchy emerges in group dynamics — certain traits are valued by the group, and some individuals exhibit more or less of those traits, and the pyramid sorts itself into the winners, the losers, and the ‘meh’s. In more complex rankings, there are more categories, with perhaps less of a verticality in the value axis… but still. Rankings are rankings, categories are categories, conformity is conformity and non-conformity is suspect.

I Aint Perfect But I'm Putting That Work In Shirt Ladies v-neck tee.jpg

The human mind has mechanisms which are more or less sensitive to this pyramid game — they tend to “churn” the I Aint Perfect But I’m Putting That Work In Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this emotions based on subconscious interpretations about ones’ identity (i.e. “what sort of person am I?”) and ones’ relative value and validity and classification (“where do I fit on the social pyramid?”). In this psychological stew, anxiety is the norm because doubt is the norm — how can you know where you fit and who you are? The absence of certainty is inherent in the nature of the game: unless you’re at the very top of the pyramid, constantly getting social signals from others which reflect your dominance, you’re not going to be sure where you stand. (Furthermore, even if you are at the top, the reliance on those signals is itself a source of anxiety — the crowd could turn on you, yes? What if you lose a step?)

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this I Aint Perfect But I’m Putting That Work In Shirt


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