Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2023

Ring The Bell I Fuck With Philly Shirt


Ring The Bell I Fuck With Philly Shirt

Now, as for why you are not getting any atheists to debate with you, I just took a look at your profile and I think I may have found your problem: You see, if you ask most atheists what could convince them to change their mind and start believing in God, most will say “show me the Ring The Bell I Fuck With Philly Shirt moreover I will buy this evidence” and will even be happy to give specific examples of the sort of evidence that would actually convince them. But you have advertised to the world that you are going to believe in whichever “God” you were personally indoctrinated from a young age to believe in “no matter what,” indicating that your mind is completely closed and that any sort of “debate” would be a complete and utter waste of time. I’m sorry, but unless you are offering to actually pay us for our time to listen to whatever insipid and oft-repeated arguments you care to offer just so we can refute them for the thousandth time, it’s really just not worth the effort. I stopped looking for a god that had a “god story” that made sense and that wasn’t attributed with abhorrent moral values decades ago. I suspect they don’t exist.

Ring The Bell I Fuck With Philly Shirt

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Official Ring The Bell I Fuck With Philly Shirt

It is trivial beyond measure to decide not to believe in (for example) a God who is attributed with promising to care for His children and who is attributed with promising to grant anything asked in prayer and who then must have (if He exists at all) deliberately ignored the Ring The Bell I Fuck With Philly Shirt moreover I will buy this begging, pleading and prayers of thousands of children who were being systematically raped by His own priests. To me, gods are mythology, and it would take an awful lot of very good evidence to change my mind. Until then, I cannot decide on my own volition that gods exist, just as I cannot decide on my on volition that Santa exists. And I do not use the allegory of Santa to belittle anyone’s faith: it is in this case an illustration of the kind of evidence that would change my lack of belief into belief: a real, tangible, pokeable, chimney-jumping jolly fat man going ho-ho-ho from a flying sleigh pulled by magic reindeer. Q: As an atheist, when will you decide on whether a god does or does not exist? Should you even decide? Can atheists say “I don’t know” forever?

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Top Ring The Bell I Fuck With Philly Shirt

Now, as for why you are not getting any atheists to debate with you, I just took a look at your profile and I think I may have found your problem: You see, if you ask most atheists what could convince them to change their mind and start believing in God, most will say “show me the Ring The Bell I Fuck With Philly Shirt moreover I will buy this evidence” and will even be happy to give specific examples of the sort of evidence that would actually convince them. But you have advertised to the world that you are going to believe in whichever “God” you were personally indoctrinated from a young age to believe in “no matter what,” indicating that your mind is completely closed and that any sort of “debate” would be a complete and utter waste of time. I’m sorry, but unless you are offering to actually pay us for our time to listen to whatever insipid and oft-repeated arguments you care to offer just so we can refute them for the thousandth time, it’s really just not worth the effort. I stopped looking for a god that had a “god story” that made sense and that wasn’t attributed with abhorrent moral values decades ago. I suspect they don’t exist.

Ring The Bell I Fuck With Philly Shirt Ladies tee.jpg

It is trivial beyond measure to decide not to believe in (for example) a God who is attributed with promising to care for His children and who is attributed with promising to grant anything asked in prayer and who then must have (if He exists at all) deliberately ignored the Ring The Bell I Fuck With Philly Shirt moreover I will buy this begging, pleading and prayers of thousands of children who were being systematically raped by His own priests. To me, gods are mythology, and it would take an awful lot of very good evidence to change my mind. Until then, I cannot decide on my own volition that gods exist, just as I cannot decide on my on volition that Santa exists. And I do not use the allegory of Santa to belittle anyone’s faith: it is in this case an illustration of the kind of evidence that would change my lack of belief into belief: a real, tangible, pokeable, chimney-jumping jolly fat man going ho-ho-ho from a flying sleigh pulled by magic reindeer. Q: As an atheist, when will you decide on whether a god does or does not exist? Should you even decide? Can atheists say “I don’t know” forever?

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Ring The Bell I Fuck With Philly Shirt


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